Tails from the Litterbox

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

hmmm, a little queasy.

Well, I was just sitting on the living room floor watching Dr. Phil and folding laundry for the past hour (yes a lot of laundry) when a preview for this evening's news came on. I was watching a channel from Manitoba... I couldn't believe what I saw so checked the internet right away! Thank goodness for Google.


read the article... not cool. Sooo not cool!

Question, What would you do if it was your stir fry? I would need long-term psychological treatment.

I wonder how much they ate before they found it??? EEK!


  • At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lots of protein!!!
    -Heather N.

  • At 4:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…



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