Tails from the Litterbox

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Issue 600!

Archie, after 68 years of trying to decide which girl, proposed to Veronica today! Wow! Now there's lots of talk and many opinions on this matter but I figure... If it took 68 years to make up his mind then he probably made the right choice. Betty's a little flaky anyway, but, will she be a bridesmaid? We'll just have to see 'bout that I guess....

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A force to be reckoned with...

Silas is officially exactly 2 1/2 yrs old and has become mouthy this week. I think he's ticked that we had to leave grandma and grandpa Tractor's place after our weekend visit. He said, "I stay here!?"... most popular this week is, "Hey!! That's mine!"..(with a tantrum to follow, complete with floppiness and kicking) which, we all know, doesn't go over well with mother. I'm glad though that he is playing well with his sister and that they seem to truly enjoy each others company.

Anyway, I've put him in 'time-out' a few times in the past 2 days. It really seems to hurt his feelings, even though he's just sitting on a chair in the same room as us... I don't get it, but it works. There's also the counting... "I'm going to put you in time out" I say. Then I say, "don't make me count to 3!" Then I count, "1... 2... ..." and I have no clue what will happen when I get to 3. This also seems to work. I think it only works cause he's like, "Gee, mom looks serious.." and he's caught off guard and that's what makes it work.

I was never big on drama and I wish now that I had payed more attention or joined the club in high school because about 40% of my day with a toddler involves acting, pretending, and looking excited about stuff when I'm stinkin' exhausted...

On another note... Silas held a toy up to my face today and said, "See mommy? A big crap inside!" then he wanted me to pretend to drink out of it. After a bit of thinking and a few questions I realized that he was saying crab not crap... well he was saying crap, for sure, he just meant crab. It was so funny!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

hmmm, a little queasy.

Well, I was just sitting on the living room floor watching Dr. Phil and folding laundry for the past hour (yes a lot of laundry) when a preview for this evening's news came on. I was watching a channel from Manitoba... I couldn't believe what I saw so checked the internet right away! Thank goodness for Google.


read the article... not cool. Sooo not cool!

Question, What would you do if it was your stir fry? I would need long-term psychological treatment.

I wonder how much they ate before they found it??? EEK!