Tails from the Litterbox

Saturday, September 30, 2006

me and my friendzes

Sunday, September 24, 2006

just so you know...

- going to a wedding in my hometown seven months pregnant with my parents and grandparents and no significant "other" around tends to turn some heads and raise some eyebrows... (I know there's rumors now)

- people should keep their opinions to themselves when a pregnant lady dances the polka a friends wedding.

- it's not cool to be asked for rides all over the place by my drunk friends because, "You're obviously not drinking." But I guess it's better than them driving... I mean, of course I did it, I'm not a jerk.

- a 3-4 pound person who is approx. 14 inches long who likes to stretch and flip and romp around inside me causes very much discomfort

- I have 3 pairs of pants that don't fall down, and I got a grease stain on one of them last night that didn't come out in the wash

- I now (as of the last 3 days) have a stretch mark approximately 5mm long on my stomach

- People keep touching me and although I'm getting kind of used to it, I still don't like it. So I find my happy place until it's over... (friends and family are okay, if you're not sure if you fit into one of those categories... ASK!)

- I wake up every time I need to roll over in bed. That's a lot by the way... I kind of feel like a walrus at night... because I assume that they have trouble rolling over.

- as the days and weeks pass I just don't get the people who say, "Oh! I just loved being pregnant!" I just can't wait for little Aeneaus Pervis to get out of here, because the bedroom we have all ready is a lot bigger than my body...

Saturday, September 02, 2006

'sup yo?

It's been a busy week, busy at work, at home..... Zdenek from the Czech Repeublic has been staying with us and that's been lots'o'fun. I've tried to post pictures a few times lately but it's been slow and not working for me... odd.

Moggy really likes baby clothes... Isn't that a wild picture. She moved her head while I was taking it. I think it's a good look for her!

Then there's the view from the top of "the GUT". Good thing it's cold out, cause wearing shorts really isn't that fun when you can't see them.

I painted the baby room about 3 weeks ago, and Dan did the flooring and put the crib together. This is me sitting on the floor, cause my feet hurt after walking aroud T.O. all afternoon on Monday. Do you like the bubbles on sticks? I didn't steal the idea from anywhere, so it's original for now, until someone steals it from me....